Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Finale of Open Ended Lab.Thank God no more!! hahaha

Before I jump on the bed, before I call it a day, before i switch off the light (mind the singular, I sleep with one light on) before I enter my dreamland, before I close my eyes, before I wake up the next day from the deep sleep by the loud alarms, before i face the dilemma of motivating myself to get up from the bed, before my brain starts functioning on the piles of work to be done the next day,.... I shall update about today. A quite interesting day and ended up with increasing stress hormones. We had our OEL presentation. First group to present, went good but judges commented that we had no graph/data in our poster. Well, what do you expect from a poster I did in two hours the day before.! haha!! A lil bit of disappointment knowing it could have been better (when lecturers said our idea was interesting), no regrets though. Went for a meeting with Pejabat Hubungan Industri Ukm and got to know that I was shortlisted for Biocon second phase selection. Interesting. Havent decided. Im the worst person when it comes to decision making. Time shall decide. Grateful to have more than one choice. Whatever is the outcome, I believe it is the best it could have been. 

the so called first sem IP groupmates. hahahahha

the real groupmates - erna and fatin

my Tadika-ish poster.i always believed in attractive poster.muahahha)

so, guess thats all for today. A subject completely done for this semester - LAB. as the final submission date for IP is approaching, there goes the days where sleep and 'life' shall be sacrificed. Goodnyte. God bless!!

Favourite phrase for the day - I might be an Indian by born, I grew up as a Malaysian.


  1. btw, nice poster,simple but attractive, honestly from deep2 oof my heart...

  2. thank you shukri! :). doesnt look too formal to me!! hha!!
